Eastern Region Autumn Donkey Show
Saturday 7th October 2023
In-hand (Championship Status)
Carriage driving
Long Reining
Fun classes
Championships for In hand, Driving and Fun Classes
Special Newcomers class for EXHIBITORS who have never won a first prize!
Best Rescue award for highest points for a donkey fostered from a registered charity
Commencing 10:00 am
Please email Liz on ewright757@btinternet.com with any questions.
Click here to download the entry form
Please note: Skylark do not run this event so cannot answer any queries.
Eastern Region Autumn Donkey Show
Saturday 7thth October 2022
In-hand (Championship Status)
Carriage driving
Long Reining
Juniors and Riding
Fun classes
Championships for In hand, Driving and Fun Classes
Special Newcomers class for EXHIBITORS who have never won a first prize!
Best Rescue award for highest points for a donkey fostered from a registered charity
Commencing 10:00 am
Skylark Garden Centre, Manea Rd, Wimblington, March, Cambs PE15 0PE
Closing date Monday 2 October – late entries at surcharge No on-the day entries in Driving Classes
Entry fees £7 for Breed (2-5) & Driving classes(D1&D2) (late entries £10).
All other classes £4 – entries permitted on the day with no surcharge for these classes.
Entries are open to ALL donkeys / owners – come and join in the fun!
Show Secretary - Liz Wright - ewright757@btinternet.com 01354 741538
On the day 07951 753391
Classes to commence at 10:00 am prompt Judge Mrs E Lewis
1 |
Best Condition & Turned Out Open to all donkeys, any sex, age yearling and above. To be judged 75% condition of the donkey and 25% turnout of the donkey and handler combined. Special rosette for highest placed veteran donkey, aged 20 years and above |
2 |
3 |
Donkey mare, with or without foal at foot Mares to be 4 years old and over. Mare with foal at foot to be 5 years old and over. Foals to be 6 weeks old and over on show day, born in current calendar year and the progeny of the mare they are shown with. Special rosette for best foal |
4 |
Youngstock – yearlings Open to fillies, colts and geldings. Colts to be dressed in correctly fitting bridle and bit, and only to be handled by a competent adult |
5 |
Youngstock – 2 and 3 year olds Open to fillies, colts and geldings. Colts to be dressed in correctly fitting bridle and bit, and only to be handled by a competent adult |
Inhand Championship 1st and 2nd prizewinners from classes 2-5.
Best Local Donkey rosette, A Best Local Donkey rosette (presented by the DBS) is open to donkeys living within a 25 mile radius of the showground. To be judged immediately after the In hand Championship
Class 6 – Will not start before 11:00am
In hand pairs class Open to mares and geldings. Will be judged on likeness of both donkeys, No foals |
7 |
Miniature donkey Open to any Miniature donkey (to be under 36” at maturity) any age. Any sex. This class may be split by age / sex if numbers entered are sufficient. |
8 |
Veteran donkey over 20 any sex |
9 |
Pet donkey Open to mares, geldings and fillies, aged yearling and above. To be judged entirely on the suitability of the donkey as a family pet. Donkeys may be shown inhand or ridden |
10 |
Young Handler Open to mares, geldings & fillies, aged yearling & above, to be shown by a Young Handler, i.e. one who has not attained their 16th birthday on the day of the show. Young Handler minimum age3 yrs To be judged 100% on the ability of the Young Handler
11 |
Newcomers (inhand) Open to mares, geldings and fillies, aged yearling and above, to be handled by an exhibitor who has not won a first prize in any inhand class. Handler to be aged 9 and over. To be judged 100% on the ability of the handler
12 |
Ridden donkey (Sufficient time will be allowed for tacking up any donkey in the previous class) Open to any donkey, aged 4 and over. Riders 3 years and over. Junior riders (aged 3-8) may be led by a competent adult. Lead rein to be attached to the noseband. A correctly fitted hard hat must be worn, which adheres to the current BSI standards. No stallions to be ridden by anyone other than a competent adult. Please consult the Donkey Breed Society rules regarding height and weight of rider. |
Fun Classes Open to any donkey. Handler minimum age 3 years - Judge – to be announced
Will not start before 1pm
F1 |
Donkey the judge would most like to take home |
F2 |
Donkey with the most attractive ears |
F3 |
Mare with the Prettiest Face |
F4 |
Most handsome Gelding/Stallion |
Fun Class Championship will be awarded to the donkey gaining the most points in classes F1 to F4
Long-reining / driving classes will not commence before 2pm [Pre-entries only}
Judge Mrs E Lewis
Long-reining & Driving: All classes are open to multiple or single turnouts. When a multiple turnout is being driven an accompanying competent adult must be present in the ring
13 |
Long reining Whips to be 8 years and over, Junior whips to wear a correctly fitting hard hat to the current BSI standard. Donkeys to be aged 3 years and over |
There will be a break long-enough to put to, for those in class 13 and D1
D1 |
Open Driving Judging will be 75% on the performance of the donkey & 25% on the vehicle & harness. Minimum age of whip 8 years. Junior Whips aged 8-10 years may only drive with a competent adult in the vehicle; Junior Whips aged 11-15 years may drive at any show with a competent adult with a leading rein present in the ring. Whips aged 16 years & over may drive any turnout with the exception of when a person of 17 years of age or under is driving a stallion an experienced & able bodied Whip (18 years & over) must be in the vehicle at all times. Junior Whips must wear approved hard hats conforming to the current British Standard. |
D2 |
Best Whip To be judged on the whip’s ability to drive in the traditional style. Special ERADS rosette for Best Novice Whip (never to have won a Best Whip class). Rosette for Highest Placed Junior. |
Driving Championship - 1st and 2nd turnouts from classes D1 & D2 Concours d’elegance To be judged during the driving classes and awarded to the turnout that, in the opinion of the Concours judge, is the most pleasing to the eye. |
Note – much as we all love doing things with our donkeys, we don’t want to see any of them tired out rushing between classes, so a maximum of 7 classes in total per donkey
The Eastern Region Autumn Donkey Show is affiliated to the Donkey Breed Society (DBS), whose rules apply to all classes. A full set of these rules can be found on the Society website www.donkeybreedsociety.co.uk or a copy obtained from the Show Secretary (details on entry form).
All colts and stallions to be dressed in a correctly fitting bridle with bit and only to be handled by a competent adult
All equines must be vaccinated for Equine Influenza, (within 12 months minimum) - it is also advised that they have a booster if they have not been vaccinated within 6 months. If your equine has been given a booster it must be at least 7 days clear before arriving at this show.
Equines starting new vaccination programs need to have had the first 2 vaccines within the recommended days apart & again vaccines must have been given 7 clear days before the show date.
Any equine arriving onsite without a passport, or one showing an out of date vaccine or showing a booster has been given in fewer days than 7 will be turned away.
Any equine owner turned away for non-compliance with these rules concerning equine flu will forfeit their entry fees and any other monies paid in connection with the event.
Please see the British Equestrian Federations advise. If you have any concerns on the health of your equine do not travel it and contact your veterinary surgeon.
Junior exhibitors must have attained their 9th birthday in order to compete in classes 2 - 5. Minimum age for Young Handler / Ridden is 3 years. Minimum age for Long-reining and driving classes is 8 –but see class specifics.
The judge’s decision is final
Rosettes will be awarded to all entrants. DBS rosettes will be awarded as appropriate to donkeys owned by paid up DBS members. Membership cards may be required to be presented to the judge prior to award being given.
We do take entries on the day but you need to pre-enter at least one class so we know you are coming in case we need to contact you about any changes or, please not, cancellation. NO DRIVING ENTRIES ON THE DAY
In Hand Classes This is a Donkey Breed Society In Hand Champion Donkey Qualifier The In-Hand Champion Donkey at this show, provided it is owned by a fully paid up member of the DBS, automatically: (i) Qualifies for the relevant Championship at the DBS Annual Supreme Championship Show in August 2022. A Donkey may win more than one DBS Championship at Shows but will qualify only once for the DBS Supreme Championship Show. Where the In-hand Champion Donkey has previously qualified the Reserve In-hand Champion Donkey will be deemed the Qualifier. If the Reserve Champion has also qualified, the judge will select another donkey from the In-Hand Championship line- up, as the qualifier for the Annual DBS Supreme Championship Show (ii) Achieves one of the four required qualifiers to become a DBS In-hand Champion Donkey. (iii) Qualifies for the Summerhays Brood Mare Award Scheme. Donkey Classes are open to all donkeys and all exhibitors whether they are members of the Donkey Breed Society or not. For the award of DBS Rosettes, the exhibit must be owned by a member of the DBS. DBS Certificates will be awarded to all Champion Donkeys at the DBS AGM held in November each year and special rosettes will be awarded by the DBS at the Annual Championship Show to the qualifying donkeys in attendance.
Junior competitors are strongly advised to wear approved hard hats conforming to the current British Standard in all in hand classes.
No claim can be entertained for anything which may happen to onlookers, owners, exhibitors, their servants, their animals or property. By entering the show you agree to indemnify the organisers against any legal action arising from any incident at the show.