Feel the rewards with

Skylark Loyalty

Sign up to our Loyalty Club today and start receiving exclusive vouchers, special discounts, fantastic offers and so much more...

Join Skylark Loyalty Club

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Earn points for every £1 you spend



Receive exclusive vouchers to use in-store & online



Special reduced prices just for you



Loyalty exclusive offers & much more!


Welcome to Skylark Loyalty Club, our rewards scheme that allows us to show our appreciation to you for shopping with us. Every time you shop, either in the garden centre or in the cafe, you will earn points on your loyalty card. You can earn points on everything you purchase, from bird feed to sweets. You can also take advantage of Loyalty only money saving offers! Keep an eye out in store

How it works

You build up your points for 3 months, giving you plenty of time and at the end of the 3 month period, you will receive a letter with your voucher on. The more points you earn, the more the voucher will be worth! This voucher can be spent on anything in store, including in the cafe! There is usually a special, loyalty card exclusive offer attached to the letter as well.


Join the Loyalty Club (Events Customer)

Start enjoying all the benefits. Simply fill in the form below & collect your card in store!

Fill in your date of birth & get a special treat during your birthday month!

Fields marked with * are required.

Terms & Conditions


  • Vouchers will be sent through the post, so a full postal address is required to redeem acquired points.
  • Points will be allocated to the total value of a transaction.
  • Points cannot be acquired on Hay, Straw or Gift Vouchers/Cards
  • The Loyalty Card remains the property of Skylark at all times.
  • The Loyalty Card can only be issued to permanent residents of the UK and vouchers can only be sent to valid UK addresses
  • To qualify for Loyalty vouchers, the Loyalty Card must be presented at the till at the time of purchase.
  • Transactions made without the Loyalty Card are deemed invalid and cannot count towards Loyalty vouchers.
  • In all cases the card holder must be present at the time of redemption of Loyalty vouchers and are only valid for the period stated.
  • Skylark reserves the right to refuse expired vouchers.
  • Skylark reserves the right to refuse to redeem Loyalty vouchers or accept the Loyalty Card against certain product groups or promotions. Please see in store for details.
  • Skylark reserves the right to refuse to redeem Loyalty vouchers.
  • Change cannot be given against Loyalty vouchers.
  • Skylark reserves the right to decline issue, withdraw the card or alter its conditions at any time, or terminate the Loyalty Card facility without notice
  • It is the responsibility of the cardholder to notify Skylark of any change of address or other personal details.
  • If the Loyalty Card becomes lost or stolen a new card can be obtained. Any accrued benefit remains unaffected.
  • Should a Loyalty Card remain unused for any continuous 12-month period Skylark reserves right to withdraw the card from the scheme. Any unredeemed benefits will be treated as null and void.
  • In the event of any query, the cardholder maybe be required to present a valid till receipt as evidence of purchase.
  • Loyalty vouchers and any unredeemed benefits are not transferable.